

当你处理严格公差的工作时,尤其是模具和模具制造应用,你的成功总是归结为平衡几个关键因素:精度, 温度管理, 和生产力. The SV8P is designed to give you all three at once without compromise. But it also goes several steps further.

This machine delivers the kind of ultra-fine, high-quality work you expect from a sinker 电火花, 但它加工奇异材料的能力使它成为各种情况下的通用工具. +, 其工效学, 易于访问的设计和机载AI和基于云的监控系统使操作变得简单,无论技能水平如何.

That translates into all kinds of serious benefits for your business, 从使用更少的资源和花费更少的资金来提高生产力,到轻松、一致地创建顶级工作,减少与维护相关的停机时间.



  • 带有“热破坏器”的三菱SV12P是模具和模具等严格公差应用的理想选择, but it can also handle machining for exotic materials. Combined with its compact, easy-to-access design and AI-assisted production, 这台机器几乎在任何情况下都能提供一流的结果,而不会牺牲操作员的可用性.


  • The SV12P comes packed with smart machining technologies, 所有这些都是为了给你一个前所未有的控制你的商店的财务水平. 与MAISART人工智能技术和连接到bt365体育娱乐基于云的远程360机器监控, you can improve your productivity by up to 30%, shorten machining time by up to 50%, 减少浪费, 并保护自己免受昂贵的维护和停机时间,由于电极磨损.


  • This machine comes with the M800 series control, 允许您和您的团队轻松访问大量有用的数据和隐藏的见解. The 19” touchscreen enables the user to swipe, 捏, 点击查看, 使其成为提高生产率和帮助跟踪生产工作的简单方法.


  • 车载MAISART AI智能被设计成与IDPM3协同工作, 哪一种能将石墨电极的磨损减少80%,同时将加工时间缩短一半.
  • The HPS circuit enhances machining speed while reducing electrode wear, even while working with exotic materials such as PCD,  立方氮化硼,或硬质合金.
  • bt365体育娱乐新的Thermal Buster热位移补偿系统和Z轴冷却机构通过跟踪和补偿机器温度变化来提高精度 .
  • 标准的NP2电路在桌面的任何地方提供超精细的缎面表面光洁度.
  • 增强型LLTX“荷叶纹理”电路用于镜面抛光,提高了模具的可释放性,而无需抛光 .
  • GV80P节能电源与之前的FP型号相比,耗电量减少20%.
  • ESPER II Navigator provides advance program support functions, giving operators unprecedented control over machine operation.
  • The advanced pendant control uses an all-new 3.5“薄晶体液晶,提供自动对准和拾取例程(内置到控制),“走动”的可移植性大大减少了工件设置时间.
  • 侧面工作槽可从所有3面进入,使操作和维护快速,无痛 .
  • Capable of high-speed rapid travel at up to 275”/min. (7米/分钟.).


  • SS跳5,984英寸/分钟.(25米/分钟.)跳速@ 1.6G acceleration (NO-FLUSH machining).
  • GV80P power supply provides 80 peak AMPs (GV120P –120AMP option).
  • Compact yet highly rigid machine design.
  • Fixed table traveling column construction.
  • Direct drive AC smart servo system.
  • 三维横向伺服系统.
  • Thermal Buster thermal displacement compensation system.
  • LLTX “Lotus Leaf TeXture” system for glossy mirror finishing.
  • NP2电路标准(0.05μm Ra)for ultra-fine matte finishing.
  • Superlow-wear SC circuit.
  • Fine matte finish PS circuit.
  • 窄间隙电路.
  • Easy-access filter system with two filter elements.
  • Dielectric fluid emission.
  • Dielectric fluid chiller standard.


  • Automatic lubrication system.


  • M800 seriesCNCcontrol with 19″ ergonomic touchscreen
  • Advanced pendant control with 3.5” LCD screen with multiple menus
  • 程序输入法:
    • 键盘
    • USB闪存
    • Ethernet with FTP standard


  • IDPM-3“智能数字电源大师”自适应控制,采用MAISART人工智能.
  • CFAST紧凑型闪存卡内存,1GB分区用于用户程序存储.
  • ESPER Advance Pro-Lite programming.
  • On-board anti-virus protection included.


  • Full 2-yearwarranty with 三重钻石 Partnership Program.
  • 启用remote360(远程用户监控、诊断、服务支持等).
  • 附带一个免费的预防性维护访问-在第一年末使用.


Machine Travels X x Y x Z: in (mm) 11.8 x 9.8 x 9.8 (300 x 250 x 250)
马克斯imum Workpiece Size W x D x H: in (mm) 30.3 x 19.3 x 7.9 (770 x 500 x 200)
马克斯 Dielectric Fluid Level: in (mm) 2.6 ~ 15.7 (65 ~ 400)
Power Supply (Option) / Peak Current GV80P / 80 AMPs (GV120P / 120 AMPs)
Internal Worktank Dimensions W x D x H: in (mm) 31.5 x 20.5 x 11.8 (800 x 520 x 300)
工作台/门式 三面油罐
马克斯. 工件重量:lb. (kg) 1,210 (550)
Table Dimensions W x D: in (mm) 19.7 x 13.8 (500 x 350)
马克斯. Electrode Weight on Platen: lb. (kg) 55 (25)
Table to Platen Distance Min ~ 马克斯: in (mm) 5.9 ~ 15.7 (150 ~ 400)
Table to C-Axis Chuck Distance Min ~ 马克斯: in (mm) 5.9 ~ 15.7 (150 ~ 400) EROWA ITS Chuck
Table to C-Axis Chuck Distance Min ~ 马克斯: in (mm) 5.2 ~ 15.1 (132 ~ 383) 3R MACRO Chuck
Minimum Command Unit / Resolution: in (mm) .00001 / .000002 (.0001 / .00005)
Rapid Travel Speed: in/min. (毫米/分钟.) 275.5 (7)
High-Speed Jump 马克斯imum: in/min. (米/分钟.)[G] 984 (25)[1.6]
Linear Scale Resolution X, Y, Z-Axis Std.: µm 0.05
过滤器/类型 1 pc. /纸盒
Filter Tank Capacity: gal (L) 58 (220)
Machine System Dimensions W x D: in (mm) 60.2 x 75.2 (1,530 x 1,910)
Machine Installed Height: in (mm) 84.3 (2,141)
Machine System Weight: lb. (kg) 4,409 (2,000)
C-Axis敏. Indexing Angle / Drive Unit .001º / .001º
c轴转速范围 1 ~ 30
流体温度. 控制 冷却器FTS标准
Optional Internal Spindle RPM Range 1 ~ 1,500
Automatic Tool Changer Options MVH-20
Power Requirements [KVA] 200/220 VAC ±5% [7 w GV80P, 10 w GV120P]
Compressed Air Requirements 2.7 cu.ft./min @ 90-100 psi


  • “对我来说,三菱edm最大的优点是其精度远远优于我过去使用过的其他机器. Putting a part in the machine, 结束部分, 把它拿出来,它的大小和位置都合适——它一直在那里."

    亚当•霍尔, 质量工具 & 模具电火花操作工 阅读案例分析
  • "The quality and repeatability of Mitsubishi 电火花s is second to none."

    亚伦Wiegel, 维格尔的总裁 阅读案例分析
  • "Overall, the machine itself is just reliable. Out of all the other manufacturers I’ve used over the years, working with Mitsubishi 电火花 has been one of my best experiences."

    丹尼·里奇, 奥托工程旗下Dies +公司线切割部门负责人 阅读案例分析
  • “你不需要做任何事情,只需要按几个按钮,它就会进入中点, center points–everything you want is right there on the pendant. 它让生活更简单. 这东西是关机的,写程序,按开始键,机器就会为你做."

    Daryl黄宗泽, 质量工具 & 凹模电火花操作员 阅读案例分析
  • "When it comes to applications expertise, 在任何工业OEM中,要找到三菱电火花加工的广度和深度都要困难得多."

    杰弗里·泰勒, Crafts 技术 President and General Manager 阅读案例分析

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